A pretty website only gets you so far. You need a website that is not only beautiful but also strategic and organized. Your website is your best assistant that works for your business 24/7. A well done website will increase conversions which means perspective brides become booked brides! Dive into the resources highlighted below.
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let's elevate your business
This free training is here to help you whether you have a website you feel is not converting OR if you don't have a website at all.
A helpful guide to assist you in accessing the overall functionality of your website.
A 40-page guide to help you understand Search Engine Optimization for bridal hair and makeup artists.
Inside this download I'll give you my best template recommendations, a free month of showit & more!
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You're invited & you can absolutely sit with us, babe. Everyone needs community without judgement and that's exactly why I created BBS Circle Community.
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Grab the exact calendar I use in my six-figure bridal biz to stay on track and reach my goals (plus a video tutorial to learn how to make it your own!).